Monday 31 May 2010

Male Card

Gosh, I'm having card-making withdrawal symptoms - I havn't made anything for a week as I have felt so lousy after having my teeth out (next time I'm getting knocked out!!). But I have pulled myself together today to squeeze in a card for this week's challenge at Passion for Promarkers - it ends tomorrow, but I didn't want to miss out on the chance to win some fab goodies which are up for grabs in celebration of their one year anniversary. The theme is 'Anything Goes', so I have opted for a male card which I find particularly difficult to do and have used a digi stamp for the first time. I have been thinking of downloading some of these for a while, but wasn't sure how they would print out, but they don't actually look any different from the real thing, I was rather impressed. I'm also entering the weekly sketch challenge at ICS - I find their sketches inspire me when I have card-maker's block!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely male card! Thanks for joining us at PFP and good luck with the draw! Juliexx


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