Tuesday 28 May 2024

Seeing Spots!

I'm here to tell you about the new challenge starting at Passion for Promarkers today - Karen has chosen 'Go Dotty' - do pop in to the blog for some spotty inspiration! 

Our sponsor is  Clearly Besotted Stamps

I have used a cute image from our sponsor for my DT card and have deviated from my usual square card to an A5 one, sorry for the wonky photo AND the wonky matting and layering - it's very hard to get things straight only using one hand! 

Image - 'Bee Safe' - Clearly Besotted coloured with Promarkers
dotty paper - Sue Wilson's 'Dots N Stripes' 8x8 pad
I used some stitched border dies from Lawn Fawn and finished off with a bow and some enamel dots

'Dots or Stripes' - Crafty Catz

'Anything Goes' - Digi |Choosday

Thanks for popping in!

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